Site link: Author: Richard Li (Original author’s permission obtained) Original article link: 1. Introduction 2. Tail Call 3. BPF to BPF Calls 4. CO-RE Sample 5. Tail Call Costs in eBPF 6. Summary 7. References 1. Introduction This article first introduces the general restrictions and usage of tail calls, compares them with BPF to BPF calls, and finally provides a modified version I made of the tail call sample in the kernel source code (using CO-RE). (When learning about tail calls, I struggled with not having a simple and understandable example that could run, so I ended up creating one myself. I believe this version is the most beginner-friendly and logically clear among all examples currently available). 2. Tail Call BPF provides a capability to safely inject code when kernel events and user program events occur, allowing non-kernel developers to control the kernel.……

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